Episode 101: Lisa DeSpain Recaps The Author’s Adventure Summit

The Author’s Adventure Summit ran from May 8-19, 2017, and featured some amazing interviews with publishing professionals. In this video, Lisa DeSpain recaps some of the most exciting information that our experts shared.


Publish Date : May 28, 2017 | Category:


The Author's Adventure Summit ran from May 8-19, 2017, and featured some amazing interviews with publishing professionals. In this video, Lisa DeSpain recaps some of the most exciting information that our experts shared.

Time Stamped Show Notes

  • 0:24: I hope you've gotten a lot of good actionable steps that you can take to market your books more effectively. I wanted to take this opportunity to not only thank you for being on the journey with me that also to thank some of the people who sent their feedback. It's just been a real pleasure to get to connect with some of you on a closer basis.
  • 1:48: I know it's very easy to get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information that we've gotten over the past several days and I don't want people to get stuck in that place where they just don't know what to do next.
  • 2:02: First of all, let's talk about the book product itself. Your message needs to be as good as you can possibly make it. There are some things you can do even in the planning stages of a book to really get a great concept for your book project. One of the things is to go out to people in your genre who are already doing well with their book. Go to their book pages on Amazon and take a look at what the comments are saying.
  • 4:13: Then the next step is packaging. We learned from a lot of different packaging and distribution options. We looked at packaging of the cover and in the interior we had a ton of useful information about really what makes packaging what it is. You know what is it about a cover that makes it a best-seller versus a cover that is obviously self-published.
  • 5:38: Typically, entrepreneurs are great about the message and they're great about promotion but they rush through the packaging side of things. My advice to you would be just take your time here. You want to put forth the professionalism that you put forth in your business and really take those steps and get the people in place who have done this before.

Resources Mentioned

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“I see this across the board without fail. If you want to sell books you should be building a large email list." ~Lisa DeSpain
